Friday 3 December 2010

All about us!

Okay, So I'm not going to bore you with our full life story, but what I am going to mention, is the fact I have 5 very young children.

My first pregnancy and 'birth' was scary.
Little did I know that at the time, the people who I thought had my best interests to heart, were actually robbing me of a completely natural thing to do: Breech vaginal birth.

I have never forgiven them, but as said I did what I thought was right!
I've paid the price.
I was lied to, abused and even my baby was abused.

Second time around, I learnt from my mistake and was head strong about a home birth.
All I heard was how selfish I was for wanting this, ''Uterine rupture this'' and ''uterine rupture that'' I was almost scared into an Elective caesarean section at 36 weeks when I was told (clearly you see yourself fit to tell a heavily pregnant woman this..) ''You WILL give birth to a dead baby and you WILL DIE. And if you don't die you will need a hysterectomy''

I remained head-strong and had a wonderful, magical, peaceful home birth.

Third time around I had another wonderful, magical, peaceful home birth.

Fourth time around, I wasn't too lucky.
I was lucky to be blessed with Twins, Don't get me wrong, but I knew the odds for a Natural delivery were against me.
50% of Twins are born by caesarean section and I presume many of those are 'elective' just because it's a multiple pregnancy!
I was head strong about wanting a home delivery, even my GP got ''social services'' involved with us, and the amount of stress we were put under with the social trying to take the babies before birth!
It was actually insane, but I knew my rights and unless I was proven to be 'mentally challenged'' they could not arrest me and take me to hospital until their birth - which is what we were told.

Sadly, 1% of twin pregnancies end in  double transverse lying babies, and I just happened to be that 1 flipping % didn't I?!

I tried EVERY method in the book to turn them.
I went into labour Wednesday / Thursday and on Saturday I admitted defeat and took myself to hospital for an emergency caesarean section.
I had convinced myself 'they turn during labour', but in fact, they couldn't they were stuck.
Twin 1's shoulder was in my pelvis and they were tightly compacted in there, even the surgeon who cut me open and pulled my insides out admitted that.

I will, in time train to do something I want to do, Become a Doula.
I want to help others and support them - Those who go to Hospitals are scared of home births, for what ever reason and that is their choice BUT with more help, support and information at the ready more women will take control of their bodies and birth where it is Natural to do so.


  1. Oh my goodness...I plan to become a doula & lactation specialist!! I had a very hard birth last year and feel raped (literally) and never want anyone to feel that way. We have plenty in common! :)

    1. Hi there Faithful Mama, It's nice to have such a comment left.
      Good luck on your Doula and Lactation specialist career ;)
      I'm sorry to hear of your hard birth last year, I am very forward in speaking the truth about birth rape - even if it gives me spam comments from haters.
      Wish you the best for the future. xx
