Thursday 30 December 2010

So... It happened!

Well it all started out with this dork, on an Autism group telling us he wouldn't get his child diagnosed because he would call it a label etc. and from then on comment after comment, insult after insult, Apparently those who give their children NATURAL hormone medication to help their child sleep is ''drugging them up''!
I have to say this again:
1) EVERY child deserves a diagnosis to receive help and support
2) NO child's illness should be ignored
3) IF he had any children (Which I highly doubt) he would as we all do, want the BEST for our child and if that mean's a diagnosis is necessary, so be it!

Okay, so this dork annoyed everyone and FINALLY after hours of abuse and I think it was 200+ comments on his stupid, attention seeking thread, he was removed.. but not before HE BLOCKED ME.. I shall never live that down.. so that post totally disappeared for me! One of my New friends though, told me about what another member had posted, it was a very long, truthful comment...  (Go A!)

In all this excitement I had a lot of 'likes' on my comments and finally when Admin came along to remove the troubled troll all was good again.
Yesterday I also made a group (It's thriving well!) and with all the comments being sent, Facebook asked me to enter codes each time I posted.. I thought no more of it.. until they permanently blocked me from posting on walls, comments, statuses etc.. (How very pathetic I know, some of us are just born busy!) so from now on in.. for ''hours or days'' I am banned from commenting.. I can however make statuses but I can not comment back on them.. or write on a friends wall etc.
In words from Facebook ''when this feature is enabled again, use it with caution'' <-- Basically, they want me to shut the fuck up, well you'll all be glad to know..... I WON'T!! Not now, not ever!

Deal with that Facebook, And even if you do, I can just make another eMail and sign up all over again, there is NO getting away from this bitch, and that's Queen Bitch to you ;-)

Monday 6 December 2010

circumcision <--- Why hurt them?

It's something I have struggled with now for years.
I have been a Mother now only 6 years, but I struggle to see why any sane Mother would want to cause harm to their baby?
There has been a story recently ALL over Facebook, Twitter, Even YouTube about a Mother who circumcised her child, who was already struggling for life with a Congenital Heart Defect known as HLHS.
I want to remain on the outside of the whole argument!

It's very sad that this little boy's Mother has to deal with the death of her son, Let alone the fact that all the 'intactivists' are ganging up on her, leaving nasty messages on her blogger page.

The person in the wrong IS the surgeon who agreed to do this to a little boy who was already clinging to life.
THAT is who should be getting all this slack, because whilst I do not agree with circumcision, the Mother chose her preference but it was the surgeon who actually cut him open and in turn, killed this poor little boy.

I do not condone any of the darn right hurtful comments that have been thrown at this woman - and in particular the YouTube video by some Autistic child?!
1) his voice is darn annoying 2) he is cruel and 3) I suspect he has no idea what a CHD is, let alone how fateful they are!

This boy might of died from HLHS alone - of course that's always the point, of all the CHD's my friends with HLHS children have lost their child or the child is **really** ill.
But again, the point is the operation should not of been carried out.

For me, Personally it's never an option I don't see the need to put my child through un-necessary hurt and harm.
As it was my eldest was born with the congenital defect, 'Hypospadious' with 'chordee'.
He has since had corrective surgery to look 'normal' down there - that, yes was my decision because:

1) It was interfering with his potty training (He was 5 and still not able to go on the toilet)
2) Although it was a cosmetic surgery, I didn't want him to feel 'not normal' when changing in the school changing rooms or later in life.

This child was also born with other abnormalities and he has been through lots of developmental issues too.
I did what I thought was best.

circumcision is something I don't tend to talk about, because for us - it was never even talked about, it was a pure and simple no-go-area.

My best wishes go to this family as they are still grieving for the loss of their dear sweet Boy, Rest In Peace xxxxxxxx

Sunday 5 December 2010

Unassisted Childbirth.. What a fantastic website!

I've found a brilliant website, Please watch all the videos.. I think it's an amazing website...

-----> Unassisted Childbirth <-----

Friday 3 December 2010


There are big arguments with this at the moment, Some argue it's the best thing, others argue it's the worst thing possible for your baby.
For me, it has NEVER even been an option.
Sure, I breastfeed and in the first few Months I may of fallen asleep whilst feeding, but always was I sat up with support so I couldn't roll over onto my baby.
I know I am a very deep sleeper, I have known for years - I feel absolutely dreadful for admitting this, But if it wasn't for my husband being able to hear a baby cry at night, I couldn't of woken to take care of the baby!
I go into really deep sleeps MOST of the time, I can be completely unawares as to what my body is doing.
Sometimes (when I first got together with my Husband) I used to kick and lash out in my sleep (due to past traumatic experiences).

Now, there is an ''App'' on the iPhone which I have downloaded.
You set it up, put it next to your pillow and it monitors your sleep, whether it be light or deep sleep.
Please bare in mind the time I got to sleep is because I am having problems with insomnia at the moment - My close friends will know why and what's happened but it's not something I wish to share on this blog at the moment.
So bare in mind my sleeping issues, I have decided co-sleeping is NOT safe for me and my family.
It's not to say it isn't safe for those light-sleepers out there, as long as they know their limits, and please also bear in mind with restless nights sleep the more chance you go into a deep sleep so as not to get disturbed.

So here is my graph from last night - again, this is the exact reason I do NOT co-sleep.
Especially with a history of Cot Death it's not something I wish to try either.
(Just because I do not co-sleep my children are never put into a different room than ours.
Our first born was moved into his own room at 14 months old, second child 15 Months, our third child is STILL in with us at 2 years 5 Months old, and we have 10 month old Twins also in our bedroom - so that's 5 of us in ONE bedroom.)

Picture: Graph, Last nights sleep.

All about us!

Okay, So I'm not going to bore you with our full life story, but what I am going to mention, is the fact I have 5 very young children.

My first pregnancy and 'birth' was scary.
Little did I know that at the time, the people who I thought had my best interests to heart, were actually robbing me of a completely natural thing to do: Breech vaginal birth.

I have never forgiven them, but as said I did what I thought was right!
I've paid the price.
I was lied to, abused and even my baby was abused.

Second time around, I learnt from my mistake and was head strong about a home birth.
All I heard was how selfish I was for wanting this, ''Uterine rupture this'' and ''uterine rupture that'' I was almost scared into an Elective caesarean section at 36 weeks when I was told (clearly you see yourself fit to tell a heavily pregnant woman this..) ''You WILL give birth to a dead baby and you WILL DIE. And if you don't die you will need a hysterectomy''

I remained head-strong and had a wonderful, magical, peaceful home birth.

Third time around I had another wonderful, magical, peaceful home birth.

Fourth time around, I wasn't too lucky.
I was lucky to be blessed with Twins, Don't get me wrong, but I knew the odds for a Natural delivery were against me.
50% of Twins are born by caesarean section and I presume many of those are 'elective' just because it's a multiple pregnancy!
I was head strong about wanting a home delivery, even my GP got ''social services'' involved with us, and the amount of stress we were put under with the social trying to take the babies before birth!
It was actually insane, but I knew my rights and unless I was proven to be 'mentally challenged'' they could not arrest me and take me to hospital until their birth - which is what we were told.

Sadly, 1% of twin pregnancies end in  double transverse lying babies, and I just happened to be that 1 flipping % didn't I?!

I tried EVERY method in the book to turn them.
I went into labour Wednesday / Thursday and on Saturday I admitted defeat and took myself to hospital for an emergency caesarean section.
I had convinced myself 'they turn during labour', but in fact, they couldn't they were stuck.
Twin 1's shoulder was in my pelvis and they were tightly compacted in there, even the surgeon who cut me open and pulled my insides out admitted that.

I will, in time train to do something I want to do, Become a Doula.
I want to help others and support them - Those who go to Hospitals are scared of home births, for what ever reason and that is their choice BUT with more help, support and information at the ready more women will take control of their bodies and birth where it is Natural to do so.