This was, again a real life filming following nurses as they went around their rounds, whether it be checking the elderly patients or the midwife who delivered a baby at home.
For those who missed it, the pages' status earlier today was as follows
''Nursing the Nation last night...
Mother had a beautiful home water birth...
Midwife goes back the day after to check the baby.
Mum tells camera "there seems to be a lot more trust when the midwives are in your home"
Says it all.... I'm NOT saying hospital births are wrong what so ever because sometimes it is the best situation but what I am saying is; in hospital they can't be trusted to leave unnecessary intervention alone!''
Basically; as it says. What a potent message in what that Mother said. 'There seems to be a lot more trust when the midwives are in your home''
I want to re-state the fact I am not saying hospital births are wrong because even I know some are medically necessary but what I am saying is that this Mother clearly knew, should you be in hospital you can not trust them to leave out the unnecessary interventions.
I am pro-choice which means I can at best give you advice, research and even statistics on the safest way to deliver your baby but I believe it is your decision. If you don't take my advice and research into consideration that's your own fall out.
The other problem is that women now think it's now the normal to go into hospital to have your baby.
Anyone wanting to learn the traditional roles of the Midwives and birth REALLY needs to watch 'Call the Midwife' - It is, at the moment my favourite program to watch, not because of the Mothers giving birth, but a time when Midwives were in charge of the birth. A time before doctors were in charge. A time before Doctors made some thing so natural as giving birth and made it into a medical procedure. Something that requires hospital admission (not the case!) something they NEED to control. Doppler here, doppler there, ultrasound here, ultrasound there, blood tests here, blood tests there, inductions here, inductions there etc-. Birth is now regarded as a medical procedure and for that reason and that reason alone, women have babies in hospital.
As I have said for many many reasons one may be admitted, but for a healthy woman, healthy pregnancy there is no need why they should be in hospital. Everyone keeps whinging the NHS are struggling, they are closing Maternity Wards but the fact of the matter is, if women avoided unnecessary intervention and trusted their bodies more and gave birth at home, in a safe, clean, familiar surrounding it would free up the beds for those who need it, instead of risking a prolapse delivery in a waiting room, or a healthy woman healthy baby being born in the foot well of a car just off the road in the middle of no where (perhaps somewhere that doesn't have a signal!)
And yes, staff shortage will account for them having to cut back on home births which only contribute the problems as said above.
Now, touching upon the 'Doctors need to be in control'' comment earlier - anyone think this isn't true? Anyone? Doctors are the ones who tell you that you're baby is over due (don't get me started on that can of worms... seriously - please don't) and you will need to be induced. You'd ask about just a stretch and sweep but they would be insistent. If the baby is not out by **/** you will be admitted and started off. NOT ONCE do they then tell you that your risking rupturing your uterous - more than a VBAC woman would be. Yet when you are a woman going to attempt a VBAC they WILL tell you the risks until they are blue in the face and even then some more because they do NOT want you to vbac. THEY have to be in control.
I stood up to my bully obstetrician in 2006 now and I do not regret a single minute of it. However, the obstetrician who dealt with the baby I had in 2004 I wish I could see her again, tell her to the full extent she has damaged me but also inform her it's because of her lack of care, understanding and compassion she has made me this empowered woman I am today.
I WILL inform ALL Mothers they have the choices they want. And as much as she put me through hell I have had some brilliant experiences afterwards because of how badly she and her team treated me in a Gloucestershire trust hospital. I am the woman so shocked at what happened I couldn't talk about it to ANYONE for over a year after it happened, I knew that what had happened was wrong but I couldn't face up to it. I am the woman who found out her baby was born in 2004 had to be resuscitated and came out blue and floppy and despite signed paper work they injected him with Vitamin K. I am the woman who was told her baby would be born dead and IF she survived she'd need a hysterectomy in 2006 purely for wanting a home VBAC. And I am the woman who fought for a twin home birth despite the social services wanting me certify me as not mentally stable to make that decision.
A woman can and WILL birth where SHE wants and in my views, she will always labour and birth easier in a setting she is familiar with: home for instance.
It makes sense:
Scenario 1: Mother in hospital is strapped down to a machine with trollies of instruments around, surgical gloves, surgical equipment, her legs are in stirrups and she is in a medical environment about to do one of the most natural things a woman can do.
Scenario 2: Mother at home, comfortable on her sofa, leaning over the back of the sofa, while she's there she is able to see the framed family portrait on the wall. She's able to use her own clean toilet, she's able to wonder around naked, she's able to light candles without health and safety warnings and above all else, when the midwife is there she can not simply leave the room to check on other patients.
**NOTE** Whilst scenario 1 is a very medical out come and I am well aware of the more birth friendly suites many hospitals are bringing in. However - these special birthing suites / rooms are usually booked and even then there is only usually ONE per hospital. So more often than not, Mother will be accompanied by a very medical environment.
Is it right? Is it wrong? You decide.
I have for many many years had the saying
''My body, My Baby, My decision'' so it's time I said
''Your body, Your baby, your decision''
But please: let's try bring birth home. I would love to be able to witness the moment this day happens in the future but I fear it now never will because doctors have taken over, they control you - they call the shots.
Sad, very sad but also very very true.
Over & out, sleep tight :)
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