Thursday, 14 April 2011

One word - So many questions left unanswered!

The word: WHY?

I feel incredibly sad after watching a programme called 'Mums to be, Behaving badly' It's about a group of Mothers (It's a new series, BBC3 @ 23:45 Every Thursday evening)
Drinking, Smoking and even diet-related issues with Mothers.

I find it incredibly hard to sit here and listen to such atrocious language coming from 'Mothers' to be, What planet do they live on? I mean, seriously?!

One Mother is a smoker and a drinker, telling us how now she's pregnant she is supposed to just give up her life and give up her life.. Um.. Duh - that's what becoming a Mother is all about.

The worst part of this is: These women are having reasonably healthy children, None born with such dreadful conditions such as a CHD.
I feel angry, upset and angry some more.

It's a good job this is television because if I ever heard someone speak about the precious life inside them like that, I *WOULD* slap their arse into touch, as JK would say.

Having had now 5 miscarriages under my belt, I can safely say I would do *ANYTHING* to have a full term, healthy pregnancy and baby, and I am not going to be alone in this, there will be many other healthy couples out there, who don't drink, who don't smoke, who are doing everything by the book but simply can not get pregnant, or can not stop miscarrying.
And these women who obviously get pregnant at the drop of a hat just have no respect for that little dependant life inside them.

I am watching next weeks, as angry as it's made me because there is a woman on there who smokes a lot and says it's healthy for her baby.. - get that? Healthy for her baby, No love, your dillutional, In denial at the real damage your doing to your own flesh and blood.

Ugh - I would do anything for Meghan to live a happy, healthy, LONG life. Why do I feel like I am grieving for her restrictions on life? Having a seriously ill child makes you think differently, knowing the real fear of 'sudden cardiac arrest' and not having any warnings leading up to it to prepare, you live in worry and panic, There comes a point where you have to let your son/daughter go because they need to live their life, As Meghan starts nursery this September I am dreading it, I have to go into the Nursery, teach them how to use the SAT's monitor and write up contacts, letters and it's so in depth the only thing that's comforting is that knowing they are ALL first aid trained.
Can you imagine, packing off your child for a normal day at nursery, then to get the call saying something's happened to your daughter while there? You've missed her last few minutes / hours, You will live a life of regret, Knowing you shouldn't of sent her to nursery and that maybe if you'd been there you could of done something, perhaps you will hate the nursery for your life and blame them for her death?
Can you even imagine what I am feeling?
No, that's right - Your children are perfectly healthy, you will never know how jealous I am that I couldn't even make a baby girl properly, You will just never ever know.

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