Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Mooncup: A few days on.. (same cycle)

Well when I wrote the first blog post about them, I was a little hasty and having problems with positioning. 
You definitely get used to it in time and you know what, most of the time now I do NOT know it is there.
It is most uncomfortable (for me) when it ''springs'' open inside. But this lasts for about a second each time - but I have learnt from an unofficial source that rotating it while you have put in your 'blood pot' helps it straighten up and get a good grip.

I have today received some information to pass onto my clients (obviously when I get them!) and in the mean time I will send them out to friends in need.. ;-)

My last blog post may of seemed gory but honestly, it's no worse than pulling out a bloody tampon or pulling down your knickers to a blood filled pad.

The size of the cup compared to a tampon may daunt you in the beginning, but believe me, it's nothing to be scared of. In the first instance it seems so big, but when you fold it it's no bigger than a penis being inserted ;-)

I recognize this may not be for everyone but for those who, like me are allergic to pads and tampons this is the way forward, or for those earth friendly type and even for those who bleed heavily like me, It holds in excess of 5ml each time - I have been barely making the 2.5ml line every 4 ish hours. 

On my last blog post I posted the following pro's about this mooncup.

The pros of using this is:
- No more caught out with no pads or tampons while out. 
- No more scratchy feeling when taking our tampons and you've had a reasonably dry day.
- It's eco-friendly, even if you buy the bio-degradable ones, there still has to be holes dug out to be filled with them.
- It's a one off cost, once you have the cup you need nothing else, where as if you use disposable pads and tampons you need to keep purchasing every month and run the risk of running out and being caught out while out etc.

There IS Con's of having this:
- It does take practise in the beginning.
- If you are out in public toilets, you will need to take a bottle of water in with you to rinse and wash it properly when you get home / or back where you are staying.

The other PRO of using this is that, tampons do NOT absorb clots. These catches the lot so you can closely monitor blood clots and how much blood you are losing per cycle.

As promised I will now properly demonstrate BOTH folds.
With this fold, you basically use your index finger and drag down a side of the cup, drag it into the middle.
I find this more comfortable for me (I have also heard a friend tell me this is most comfortable for her too).

Here is the C shape fold.
You fold in half and bring it round into a C shape (as pictured).
I found I couldn't get along with this fold.

My tips / advice for YOU: (if you get one):

  1. Remember, practise makes perfect and it WILL take time
  2. Don't be disheartened that you can not get it right, Many women struggle at first and this can last 3 periods for you to be entirely happy with positioning and removal.
  3. When you get it right, it may feel like you have 'lost' it. Bear down (like childbirth pushing) until you can feel the end of the cup, several long pushes are more effective than one long push.
  4.  Practise your pelvic floor muscles BEFORE you get it if you have not naturally birthed.
  5.  Until you are happy with positioning it properly, wear a pad. If you leak this will be less embarrassing, however if you are leaking you have not properly positioned it, so a pad will help you gauge just how good you are at positioning.
  6. Read the instructions that come with it &
  7. If in doubt, ring / e-mail the helpline, I think they are open 24 hours a day.
  8. Don't forget their website and Facebook page. 

If you have any questions to ask me, feel free & I hope this blog has helped :) 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Mooncup: My beginners story...

Well, I first noticed this product some time ago but only recently took the courage to purchase one, following watching ''Embarassing bodies'' the Channel 4 health documentary. 
The women featured on the tv show, were asked to document how much blood they were loosing and we were to see if their flow was normal or not.. One woman lost over 80ml and that is considered unsafe and due to medical illness (later turned out she had Endometrisis).
I have been having pains for Months now and presumed it was this, so wanted to monitor my flow as I know I am a heavy bleeder, always have been.

Yesterday, 16th May 2011 I made the purchase.
I couldn't wait to get home in the anticipation it was going to be straight forward and easy, how wrong was I?
I carefully read the instructions (ME - reading the instructions, well that's a first eh?) and I spent half an hour in the bathroom, putting it in and pulling it out and I must say, to begin with I did wonder 'Maybe this isn't for me then?' but I have gone with the flow (literally!) and I've had good and bad attempts.
At times it feels uncomfortable but that's because I haven't positioned it correctly..

Yesterdays attempts at positioning the cup was very beginners style.. I had the bottom of the cup protruding outside.. and it should be where is comfortable - but it wasn't comfortable there and needed to be higher up.

Today I have trimmed the stork off it and wore it uncomfortably until around 2:40pm then finally, just finally managed to get it right.

It worked it's way in and when I went to empty / clean it out at 7pm I had a real shock to NOT be able to find the bottom of the cup.. it had completely disappeared.
I remembered reading the instructions and knew that I had to 'bear down' and in all honesty, it almost felt like I was about to give birth again, LOL.
But as I beared down with it I felt it coming (she's crowning everyone, ready!?) and managed to grip the bottom of the cup to release the seal and continued to withdraw it from my body. 
It had a little less than 2.5 ml in it and I obviously emptied that down the toilet and washed it up.

How am I feeling now about it?
I think It's going to take some getting used to, but doesn't everything at first?
The pros of using this is:
- No more caught out with no pads or tampons while out. 
- No more scratchy feeling when taking our tampons and you've had a reasonably dry day.
- It's eco-friendly, even if you buy the bio-degradable ones, there still has to be holes dug out to be filled with them.
- It's a one off cost, once you have the cup you need nothing else, where as if you use disposable pads and tampons you need to keep purchasing every month and run the risk of running out and being caught out while out etc.

The stem is quite long, but if you trim it too short you won't be able to find it well when it's inserted (If you haven't got good muscles) but if you don't cut it enough you risk chaffing.

This is the first of two folds for insertion.
I currently find the other fold more useful for me (Will post a picture later..)


I have never had any leaking problems while taking it out.
I have had a few leakage problems but nothing major as the majority has been caught in the cup so I just need to make absolutely sure it's in correct and have been given advice on rotating it to ensure it's in there properly.

I am not too keen on the 'popping open' sensation that takes place once it's been inserted.

Again - do not look past here if you don't like blood. (What am I saying, I pass out at blood.. lol.. come on people.. get a grip, lol).

First successful time.. :)

I will continue it's use - I have been told it can take 3 periods to get completely right.