As a natural ''Mother of Earth'' type beliefs that I have, I don't think I am alone.
As Mothers, we want to do the best for our children in all cases, we love them, and we want to protect them.
However I am stunned that inductions are given to women with NO problems other than 'post dates'.
There is a fantastic group on Facebook and it's called An EDD is an expected due date - NOT expiration date!, If you're not already a member I suggest in joining it.
I have been a member now for some time.
Did you know that technically, at 40 weeks - you are only 38 weeks pregnant.
Now, imagine this.
A woman is classed as 38 weeks, and they caesarean section her as she's a previous caesarean mother - that baby is being put at risk, being born at only 36 weeks gestation.
Is this pure madness?
Shall I tell you what's mad?
Women willing to put not only their lives, but the lives of their unborns in danger by seeking help via medical inductions, pumping man-made chemical hormones through their body, to make their labour 10x worse than a natural spontaneous labour would be - therefore in almost all cases of induction the hospitals have to give you an epidural because your labour is greatly more painful than that of a natural labour.
Did you know?
Previous caesarean mothers can NOT be induced because these same hormones will greatly increase the chance of a uterine rupture - but this same statistic applies for ANY WOMAN having a medical induction, you could be on your first baby, have had no problems, go ''post dates'' and go for an induction but you are still at a greater risk of your uterus being split open by these horrible, nasty, man made chemicals YOU have told them to pump through your veins.
Remember: This important lesson:
YOU are the judge of your own body and this baby is relying on you to make sensible choices in regards both of your lives.
Just because the ''health professionals'' say you need an induction, need a caesarean, need to stay another night in hospital, need to be in hospital for the birth or what ever - it is only ever ADVICE, you do NOT under any circumstances need to listen to them.
As with taking out car insurance, research first.
Now, how about the research based hard evidence inductions are wrong, Haven't you heard most inductions end in foetal distress and therefore emergency caesarean sections.
It's common sense to most of us - but if you are considering an induction for any reason, just think - your baby is NOT ready, if your baby is NOT ready by his/her terms, then trying to force the baby out will end up in distress, and unless you welcome your uterus being cut open like a cow in a butchers shop, this is not the route for you.